`Natures healing twins` vinegar

Vinegar was a remedy commonly used by Hippocrates,the father of modern medicine. Ancient armies marched with vinegar in their flasks, drinking it as a daily tonic for energy, strength and vitality. Samurai warriors of Japan drank it for strength and power. These and many more uses have been passed down through ages, and modern science is now proving just how truly beneficial they are.


1. Ear infections: (Warm a tablespoon in hot water) poor tablespoon
of vinegar -(white or apple cider) into infected ear, keep head tilted for 3-5 minutes.Place cloth or tissue over ear and tilt to drain excess liquid. Do this 2-3 times a day till ear is feeling better.The acetic acid is known to clear the Malodorous green discharge  within a few hours.OR gently clean the ear,then place cotton soaked in vinegar into the ear. Leave in ear up to 48 hours, if pain and swelling persists repeat process using new cotton soaked in vinegar. A week or more of this treatment may be required if condition is chronic.
2. Head lice : Shampoo hair,rinse the head thoroughly with White vinegar.The acetic acid in the vinegar will dissolve the glue holding the nits to the hair.Comb more vinegar through hair and  smother hair with Real mayonnaise(not miracle whip) cover hair with shower cap or saran wrap. Next wrap warmed towel around head and leave on for 2 hours this will smother the lice and further loosen up the glue holding the nits.Shampoo 1 -2 times to remove mayonnaise and once again rinse with vinegar. Section hair and comb through with Nit comb or fine toothed comb. In 7 - 10 days Shampoo hair again, and rinse with vinegar.The extra benefit is you`ll have shiny hair!
3. Bleeding: Apple cider vinegar can stop bleeding by gently cauterizing tiny blood vessels. For cuts and scrapes,soak a cotton ball or gauze pad with vinegar and squeeze out excess liquid.Place it on the wound and apply light pressure for a few minutes, remove cotton and cover the wound with a clean bandage.
Nose bleeds- First give your nose a good blow to remove blood clot.Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and gently pack it up your nostril. pinch your nose above the nostril area( mid nose) Breathe through your mouth.Hold position for few minutes then gently remove cotton packing.If the bleeding has not stopped completely repeat procedure.
4.Coughs and Colds: 
For coughs- mix  1/2 cup lemon  juice, ,1 teaspoon Honey and 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar in a cup ,this will calm cough and soothe sore throats.
Homemade cough syrup:
Mix 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
 1/2 teaspoon Ginger
2 tablespoons Vinegar
4 tablespoons boiling water
4 tablespoons Honey and lemon juice
mix together well, if solution is to `hot` due to pepper and ginger add more water
take 2 teaspoons every few hours
Chest cold :
(if you don`t mind black pepper) - Soak brown paper towel in vinegar
squeeze excess lightly
shake black pepper on one side of it
lay it across your chest pepper side down
put warm shirt or thermal top on
keep on for 20 - 30 minutes blot off gently with warm water
5. Nasal congestion/sinuses- OR -Migraines/headaches:
drink 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in glass of water daily
You can also reduce symptoms by
- boil 2 tablespoons vinegar and 3 cups water in a pot
remove from heat 
lean over pot with towel over your head like a tent
inhale lightly for 10-20 minutes ( if you need to uncover head a minute cause steam is too overwhelming do so )
-To rid migraine- try 1 tablespoon vinegar and 1 teaspoon honey mixed in warm water drink slowly 
6. Cramps:
Muscle cramps in legs, feet ,or other parts of the body can be painful.Such muscle cramps are caused by too low a level of potassium.
Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to quickly bring potassium level back up and relieve cramping
soak towel or cloth in warm apple cider vinegar
wring it out
wrap it around the sore muscle and leave till it cools
You can add 2-3 cups apple cider vinegar into a warm bath  and soak for 20 minutes
7. Constipation/Diarrhea:
Apple cider vinegar is known to clean intestines and stimulate bowel activity to fight constipation
-constipation-mix 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar in glass of water
drink at bedtime
if you don`t have relief in morning try this:
mix 2 teaspoons vinegar and 1 tablespoon honey in cup of hot water
Vinegar fights sever types of bacteria that cause Diarrhea
-Diarrhea-1-2 teaspoons vinegar and small amount of water
white vinegar can speed healing and soothe the pain of minor burns.
-Soak brown paper towel  or brown paper bag in white vinegar
gently dab the burned area
after the discomfort subsides, apply an antibiotic ointment and cover with gauze or bandage wrap
Herpes is caused by a virus from the same family of viruses that cause chicken pox.
this is also the same virus that causes cold sores.
-Vinegar can treat the sores and help eliminate the virus.
Genital herpes is caused by another strain of the virus, but those sores can also be treated .
-To relieve pain and discomfort,soak a cotton swab in full strength apple cider vinegar
gently apply to sores
you should get rapid relief from itching and burning
apply 2 -4 times daily to speed healing
Whether caused by an allergic reaction or from stress, Vinegar can bring you relief

-Mix 1 ounce of white vinegar with 3 ounces of cornstarch to form a paste
Dab gently in the hives
This should relieve the pain quickly and the cornstarch will help dry out the hives

`healing your heart with natures gift`

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